
Friday, 30 August 2019


This week was our last session for robotics tech, we were finishing off our movies. Our teacher was Miss Munoz. She was awarding out prizes for the best movie, like gift cards chocolate and lollipop. The people in my group were Alex, Neveah and I. We came first place so we got to pick what we wanted. Our movie was about what we can do with the robots, for an example: they can dance. Thank you Miss Munoz for teaching us how to code with the Mblock. 

Point of View: Plastic Straw

This week for writing we were making a DLO about reason why we should ban plastic straws and why we should't ban plastic straws and also in the middle was our opinion. My partner I decided for our opinion we will talk about why we should ban plastic straws. It is because it is killing the sea animal.         

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Persuasive speech

LI:To write a speech to persuades others to think the way you do.

children under the age of 15 shouldn’t be able to play video games that involve shooting

Hi my name is Aung Naing and I believe children under the age of 15 years old shouldn’t be able to play video games that involve shooting, not because kids shouldn’t play any video games, I just think that shooting games influence children to have the same actions as the video games.

My reason for talking about this is because shooting games give people a clear message that guns can lead to a bad problem. Playing shooting games like Fortnite, Call of Duty and other games is not a good idea for younger kids because they can learn bad words. 

Shooting Games like Fortnite can get kids addicted, which means they can lose focus with their learning while in school. They might be staying up late at night playing games to get better or to get a win, which will make them very tired. Another problem is that they are missing out on fresh air and exercise.

Kids can get more violent playing the game and won’t stop playing it is because these games are very addictive. If the game is taken off them they can retaliate violently towards their caregiver.

Playing violent games might be fun, but you never know what that fun could cause or teach you. Imagine waking up to a gun pointing at your head, it could be your brother or your sister because anyone can change with this sort of influence. 

A couple of weeks ago we were working on making our persuasive speech for the speech competition. My speech was about why children under the age of 15 years old shouldn’t be able to play video games that involve shooting. I wrote this because it is bad for younger kids to play, they can learn a lot of thing form older people. I did well saying my speech but I didn't do well to have the confidence to say it in a big group.

Friday, 16 August 2019

Steam - Catapult

This week for inquiry we were making a catapult out of newspaper, tape, rubber bands, blue tac, a small container, a piece of paper and a vivid to plan what catapults we are making. In our groups we got role my roles was to make cylinders out of newspaper. Our groups tried very hard to make this catapult. When we made the catapult we did a test run. Then we did a competition to see if who can hit the target. After that we change our catapult to see what wrong with it. In our groups was Matthew, karlos, Alex, Sela, Alice and I.         

Monday, 12 August 2019


Today were talking about the dawn raids and made a DLO about it. We made a DLO talking about the two perspective about the Government and Polynesian. We also made a summary about the story and made our own opinion. We made this DLO in groups, in my group it was Joseph, Julian and I.     

Friday, 9 August 2019


This week on Thursday we went swimming. We learn how to float on a back and the front. The equipment that we use to float was a pool noodles, and kick broad. We also use a technique called streamline to swim. I found floating on my back without a kick broad hard.

Friday, 2 August 2019

Tech - Robotics

This week for tech we were planing our movies about a Mblock. We had options to choose from to make the movie. The options was Autonomous Vehicle (Avoid Obstacles & Follow a Path), Autonomous Forklift (Find & Move Objects and your own idea.