Don’t Judge someone
Respect…. Kindness…. Empathy, they are the three most important values that you need to show. Don’t judge someone by it cover, it is because something bad might happen to them like losing their job. If you show the three words you could make their day. It is because they might need a friend to talk to and share their feelings.
Respect: you should always show respect when you see someone on the street instead of disrespect them like this for example ( look at you why do you need the money you problem going to buy some drugs but instead he probably need the money to buy food for his family). You should ask what's wrong first instead of disrespecting someone.
Kindness: some people don't show kindness it is because they judge people that are homeless to quickly. This is why they don’t give money to them. In a video that I watched was an experiment if people will give a rich guy money for baby food or the homeless guy to buy baby food for his baby. Most people give money to the rich guy it is because their are probably think that the poor guy is lying and don’t need the money.
Empathy: I should say that this word is the most important word, you know why let me tell you. Imagine you are on the street and I read you sign and I say it not true you are lying and I walk away (The sign was you ask for money). How would you feel if this happens to you. The right thing you need to do is ask what's wrong and also share each others feel about what happened to him in the past. You should also help him if he needs money and one important thing you should do, it is to make him have a happy day.
This week for writing I were writing an explanation about using respect, kindness and empathy towards other people. In my explanation I talked about don't judge them if there are poor and also we should away talk to them how they feeling and share feeling.